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Because we love Muppets here on the Edge of the American West

Courtesy of The House Next Door.

Frank Oz today

The Guardian has an interview with Frank Oz, in which the main quotation of note is this one. I’d love to do the Muppets again but Disney doesn’t want me, and Sesame Street hasn’t asked me for 10 years. They don’t want me because I won’t follow orders and I won’t do the kind of […]

Moving Day

It’s moving day at EotAW. After calling WordPress our home for the past four years, we’re shifting to more academic-specific digs: the Chronicle of Higher Education. They’ve asked us to become part of their Blog Network, along with luminaries like the Tenured Radical, and who are we to refuse such esteemed company? Nobody, that’s who. […]

Bring back the Muppet Show.

The Muppets provided joy from start to finish. I knew we were in good hands from the first big musical number – part of which is above – “Life’s a Happy Song.” It gets a full, MGM-musical style choreographical treatment. It states the movie’s major theme (it will be reprised in the finale). And it […]

They will eat your creamsicle.

In picking the soundtrack of a Super Bowl for the second line, blackink implies no Nevilles are necessary. Well, okay, but: Granted, beating up on the burnt-orange and burnter-orange Bucs was not such a recommendation. Still. “Brother John” b/w “Iko Iko” and ObMuppets under the fold.

Night and day.

One of the best New York things I ever did, during the time I lived there, was to go see Bobby Short one cold night at the Café Carlyle. It was impressive how Bobby Short could make you love a nothing song like this one. Or maybe Cole Porter could write a nothing song that […]

Come what might.

This video of the Muppets doing Cole Porter’s “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” seems to have been chased off YouTube by Warners, and I can’t embed it because, according to WordPress, the site hosts NSFW video (unlike YouTube? anyway). But you can see it if you click on that link. It’s a fine example […]


Via beamish down in comments somewhere, and via my dad (sorta), some bohemian Muppets.  

“You know the Faust story?”

Alice Cooper tries to convince Kermit to sell his soul in exchange for fame as a rock star. From a list of the ten weirdest moments on the Muppets. Number 6, Alan Arkin on a bunny killing spree, is pretty odd. Also, Peter Sellers! That’s all. Thanks to B for sending this along and brightening […]

“World Wide Web? Is there a way to put this on just the American part?”

Happy Fourth. Now, off to fireworks. (And yes, I know I’ve posted this before. Whatever. It’s a topical Muppets post. That’s the very best I can do.)

One never expects the hangover, despite all the evidence

The blogospheric dynamic often resembles that of a particularly raucous frat party.  Someone gets the idea in their head to dance on a table.  Suddenly dancing on tables with a bottle in hand is  the best idea to occur to anyone, not dancing on tables is a sign of depravity, and the drunken boys surrounding […]

I hear Obama likes them, too.

Even the Muppets root for the Steelers!

Triple point.

Balmy California, with year-round outdoor swimming. (AKA, “this morning at 6:55 AM or so, air temperature around freezing….”) Sometimes working papers are better, Ezra, because they have the raw data that journal publishers deem too bulky to publish, but which is of the highest value. Last night was the brand-new Muppet Christmas special. I haven’t […]

A cup a cup a cup a cup a cup.

Java. Because we haven’t had any Muppets in a while, is why.

In which, for no good reason I can think of, I nitpick about something rather unimportant.

A number of people are writing about the techno-utopia that awaits us all during the Obama years, now that the President-elect has begun posting weekly addresses to YouTube. These are, it seems, Fireside Chats for the digital age. That said, the first installment of Obama’s video outreach is a pretty tepid affair. There are no […]

The world really may be ending.

This Times story on the Muppets, by Brooks Barnes, is depressing enough that I’m considering re-subscribing to the paper just so that I can cancel again. First, there’s news that elicits mixed emotions — at best. Disney, which gobbled up the Muppets four years ago, is hoping to reinvigorate the franchise. But it’s Disney. And […]

Cat blogging.

Rest assured, Sarah Palin won’t entirely crowd out the Muppets*. At least not on my watch, she won’t. Because in the end, a blog has to stand for something. * Though she’d like to. Because Sarah Palin hates Muppets. Pass it on.

What happened to us?

This was linked in comments, but it reappeared in an email from a friend and I think it needs to be seen, even though no muppets. The following is actually quite dangerous to children and watching it makes me feel like I’m looking at flakes of lead-based paint falling into a crib.

“Trust me.”

Just because this is a much better example of a singer performing with the Muppets.

Counting — but only to four.

After SEK forever ruined the Count for me, I was lucky enough to happen upon a link to this vid in the comments at unfogged (No, Wolfson, I can’t figure out exactly where. But there, you just got your hat-tip, okay?). So, hip people, do we like this Feist character? Because I’m not so sure. […]